
First Reading: Wis 7:7-11
Second Reading: Heb 4:12-13
Gospel: Mk 10:17-30

The Path to Eternal Life

I want to share a reflection on a gospel passage we’ve all heard many times before, but one that carries profound meaning. It’s the story of the rich young man who asks Jesus, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Mark 10:17). This question, though seemingly simple, goes much deeper than we might realize.

In this gospel, the young man approaches Jesus with a sincere desire, but also with some misunderstanding. He is not simply asking about what rules to follow to get to heaven—he wants to know how to find true happiness. Like many of us, he has followed the commandments and lived a moral life, yet he feels something is missing. He’s looking for meaning, for a way to be truly fulfilled.

Jesus’ response is direct and challenging: “Sell everything you have, give it to the poor, and follow me” (Mark 10:21). This is not just about money, though the man was wealthy. It’s about attachments—anything we put above God. Jesus is calling us to let go of our idols, whether they are material possessions, relationships, or even our desire for success and recognition.

For many, like the rich young man, this call feels impossible. But Jesus knows our hearts. He looks at each of us with love, understanding that we often cling to the very things that make us unhappy. He doesn’t judge us for our struggles, but invites us to trust Him more deeply.

Jesus reminds us that true happiness comes from risking everything for Him. We cannot know the fullness of God’s love through intellect alone; it comes through experience. This is the wisdom that we are called to embrace. It’s a wisdom rooted in letting go of our securities and trusting that God will provide—especially in moments of suffering and uncertainty.

As I reflect on this, I recall my own journey to the seminary. Leaving behind my family, friends, and the life I knew was not easy. But it was in this very risk, in letting go of my comfort and security, that I found the joy and peace that only God can give.

Brothers and sisters, the message today is clear: Jesus wants us to be free—free from the idols that weigh us down and keep us from the fullness of life. The path to eternal life starts here and now, in the choices we make to follow Christ completely.

We cannot carry anything through the “narrow gate” of heaven (Matthew 7:13). Just as in ancient Jerusalem, where people could only pass through the small gate called the “eye of the needle” by leaving everything behind, so too must we shed our attachments. Only then will we experience the love, joy, and freedom that God desires for us.

Let us reflect: What are the idols in our lives today? What is holding us back from experiencing the fullness of God’s love? As we continue our journey of faith, may we find the courage to let go and follow Jesus more closely.

May God bless you all on this journey toward true happiness and eternal life.