Sunday, August 25, 2024


First Reading: Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b
Second Reading: Eph 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32
Gospel: Jn 6:60-69

Choosing to Serve the Lord

I’d like to begin with a quote: “We all have a fire that burns within us. This fire can either fuel our pursuit of worldly things that serve no lasting purpose—like riches, power, pleasure, status, or fame—or it can ignite our quest for a deep spiritual relationship with God.”

Today’s readings present us with a crucial choice. In the first reading, Joshua, nearing the end of his life, reminds the Israelites of God’s faithfulness and goodness. He challenges them to act justly, walk humbly, and commit to serving the Lord for the rest of their days. Joshua drew a line in the sand: with God on one side and complacency, sin, and self-indulgence on the other. He boldly declares, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” The people responded positively, renewing their covenant of obedience to God.

But as history shows, they eventually drifted away. They forgot the teachings of their ancestors, neglected God’s word, and lost sight of His goodness.

Several weeks ago, I shared the acronym JOY—Jesus first, Others second, and You last—reminding us that God promised the last shall be first. As we conclude our reflection on the Eucharist and the Gospel of John, I want to share a few lessons I’ve taken from these readings:

  1. God Always Provides a Way Back: No matter how far we’ve strayed from the Lord, He always raises up a leader, a priest, or a strong example of faith to guide us back to Him.
  2. Renewal Requires Action: Our commitment to God needs regular renewal. We declare whom we choose to serve by reciting the Creed at Mass, renewing our baptismal promises at Easter, and through the lives we live every day.
  3. An Invitation to a Higher Life: Joshua didn’t use threats or fear to call the people to God. He appealed to their reason and experience, reminding them of God’s power and love. How do we, in our lives, convince others of God’s love?
  4. Lead by Example: Joshua didn’t ask anything of others that he wasn’t willing to do himself. He boldly declared, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” His genuine example prompted others to follow. We must also strive to be living testimonies of faith that others can admire, respect, and imitate.
  5. Remembering God’s Faithfulness: The people affirmed their choice to follow the Lord by recalling all that He had done for them. When we face important decisions in life, will we remember all that God has done for us, helping us make better choices?

Our lives are filled with choices. Will you choose to follow man or follow God? As we journey through life, may we always strive to be examples of God’s love and make the right choices in every step we take.